Thursday, September 5, 2024

Heaven. . . Return with Honor!


When I was a teenager in High School, I became a Civil Air Patrol [CAP] Cadet. Basically, CAP is the Auxiliary of the United States Air Force. They work cooperatively with the USAF Rescue Coordination Center to perform Search and Rescue for downed aircraft in the United States. As such, I got to spend a lot of time on USAF bases, attending Cadet Encampments and learning about the Air Force as a possible career. After High School, I tested for the Air Force and sought to enter the Security Air Police field. 

Unfortunately, as it turned out, I was partially color blind in some reds and green shades, and this disqualified me for that position. Consequently, I never entered the armed forces and chose college and another career field. But I have always held an interest in all things Air Force, especially survival training. The USAF trains aircrews and pilots on survival skills to sustain them in the event their aircraft crash lands.

On the darker side, they teach them how to cope with torture or prolonged interrogation should they fall into enemy hands and become a POW. The program is called "SERE", an acronym for Survive Evade Resist Escape. It is an arduous training course usually done in extreme environments and tests the limits of human endurance; to complete the training and graduate the program is considered a noteworthy achievement. The motto of the course is, "RETURN WITH HONOR", the point being that were the airmen captured, they resisted the enemy's efforts to elicit information and did not become a collaborator and betray our nation.

I greatly enjoy watching USAF SERE training videos and how the students use the training they received to sustain themselves through the challenges presented to them. By now you are probably asking, "Okay, but how does that title "Heaven. . .Return with honor". Well, several years ago I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I'd been raised in a traditional religion, but I didn't know the living Christ until some very good friends led me to know Him and to develop a personal relationship with Him.

I have since come to understand that as Christian Believers, we are "In, but not of, this world". . . that we ourselves are essentially "behind enemy lines" far from our home is in Heaven where we shall live with Christ for all eternity. But first we have to get there . . and to do this, we have to "run the race with endurance" as the Apostle Paul put it. We are living in an evil, sinful, fallen world where each day, the devil sets traps and snares in an attempt to separate us from Christ, and this means we have to practice the skills that will help us to survive, so that we can ultimately "Return with Honor".

To that end, I would suggest that Father God has given us the outline for survival through His Word, which is found in scripture. So a SERE acronym for the Christian believer might look something like this:

Seek ["Seek ye first the Kingdom of God", Matthew 6:33]

Evangelize ["Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature", Mark 16:15]

Resist ["Resist the devil, and he will flee from you", James 4:7]

Endure ["But he who endures to the end shall be saved", Matt 14:13]

I would also mention that, more and more, we see vicious attacks on the faith, which Jesus foretold  ["And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.", Matt 10:22]. This is complicated by the extreme weather, civil unrest, political division, and wars we currently see happening here at home and around the world, again foretold by Christ in Matt. 24, in the Signs of the Times and the End of the Age. Many Pastors believe we are seeing the end times unfolding before our eyes. Again, as Believers, our job is to remain faithful, endure, and spread the gospel until we are called home. 

Maintaining your fitness and skills goes hand-in-hand with survival. The Bible clearly states that a time will come when we have to flee and will have no forewarning and will have to flee with what we have with us ["Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.", Matt 24:20-22].  To this end, it is wise to have a few essentials with you or in your vehicle at all times, just in case we need to evacuate to safety. 

There are plenty of trainers and good books with information on skills and tools to have with you, and I will not go into great detail. However, I will suggest a few books I have found useful:

"OUTDOOR SURVIVAL SKILLS" by Larry Dean Olsen is a CLASSIC. An instructor at BYU, Olsen is considered the Father of the Primitive Skills movement. His book is the Bible for those wanting to learn ancestral survival skills, those used by our ancestors - we're talking caveman skills. . . stone knives, natural cordage snares, hand crafted bows and arrows. It's an amazing tome! Currently available on AMAZON. 

The USAF Survival Manual issued to personnel whose specialty requires survival training [pilots, aircrew, air commando's]. This is a HUGE nearly 600-page beast, chock full of info on skills, how to, gear, weather, building shelters and much more.  Currently available on AMAZON. 

"THE END TIMES CHRISTIAN" by Dr. Jason Hunt, PhD. Dr. Hunt is a nationally renowned survival instructor and founder of CAMPCRAFT OUTDOORS who is also a Pastor with degrees in Theology and related Biblical subjects. In this book, Dr. Hunt leads the reader to understand God's scriptural plan for survival for Christian Believers found in the Bible. He also describes and trains the reader on the various tools that are essential to survival. I believe this book is out of print, but might be found on the secondary market. As well, Dr. Hunt has a newer publication, THE GOSPEL OF SURVIVAL, and tht book is currently available on AMAZON PRIME.

In conclusion, I wish to state that in spite of the tough times we see around us and the uncertainty looming on the horizon, we are commanded "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” [Deut. 3:16].  We are commanded, "Be not afraid". . .read the Bible, be strong in your faith, support one another, and maintain fitness and skills to the best of your ability. And always remember our Lord's words and promise. . . "And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Stay "SAFE" [Survive - Adapt - Fight - Endure] and God Bless!

[Bushcraft Woods Devil]